Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chugging along

Was busily working away today, looked up and a bloke in a raincoat and trilby hat, clutching a clipboard to his chest was wandering up the main path.
"Can I help you?" quoth I
"Oh, er, yes" mumbles he, now heading a bit more purposefully in my direction.
Now at first glance I'd though "Councillor come to inspect plot cultivation levels", this quickly passed through "Cllr X has had a damm bad haircut and gone on a diet" to "ahh you're the bloke I've noticed two evenings this week going rather furtively door to door in my road".
As he drew close I read the upside down writing on the clipboard, "Well known charity name".
"Not interested in any charities" said I before the pitch could start and then endured five vague minutes about growing veg, how do you get an allotment and surprise that it was so empty in the middle of the weekday afternoon.
My refreshment order had arrived in the carrybag of my beloved halfway through this and as he wandered off my beloved said "he knocked on the door earlier trying to get me to sign up to something for Well known charity name.".
So an attempted chugging on the plot!

Anyway enough of charity muggers, I've taken Thursday & Friday off this week to garden.
Got up some three hours later than usual for a weekday at 9am, oh the unfettered luxury, coffee and croissants with the local paper, off to the plot at 10:30.
Moved a paving slab and all my remaining bits of granite by wheelbarrow to the back garden, moved another slab, the stone and belfast sinks across the path to plot 17, all these will combine with granite grit, ericaceous compost and some plants later this year to go on the terrace.
Dug up the council provided twenty dogrose and fifty hawthorn, then went a planting. Plonked quite a few in stretches of unrelieved chainlink and concentrated most of the rest along the east fence where the District Council had murdered the previous planting with strimmers, strung a few dogroses round the corner between fence and ditch. Retrieved the clear plastic spiral tubes and wrapped them round the plants in my new hedge, got some string and tied most of them to the chainlink for purposes of verticality (come over all USA military there) and security. All this took a fair while.
Finished by digging the finally empty last corner of Plot 18, which is now completely dug, barring the permanent herb patch of course. It began to rain with four rows of spadework left, happily it was only light drizle that petered out.
Damp dog and owner then took a brisk one hour walk to stretch themselves, but only one took a hot bath afterwards, now I wonder which one?

Plot 17 will be mostly rotovated this year and it is currently much too sticky for that, so Hacken-Slash slumbers on in the shed at home.

Tomorrow, I think I am spoilt for choice in the back garden, which has lots of mess from workshop building on top of residual builders mess and "lets move stuff so its out of the way of the builders" type mess.
Possibly greenhouse stuff, or at least setting slabs to make the path into it mud free, could sort out four pads to sit the two person swingseat on, two with security hoops to tie it down to, now thats an idea.

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