Sunday, May 28, 2006

Glaziers boy

Up, out and at the greenhouse today.
Fitted two louvre units on the west side, did not bother with the east side as that has the staging and outside the hedge a foot or two away.
Fitted all four roof vents, two currently have no means of holding open once lifted. Two are fitted with "Jempvents" from Kays Horticultural, these are diagonally placed on the house. Kept the OH amused for an hour or two, not adoringly watching her beloved as I thought, but watching the greenhouse roof open and close by itself!
The door gave a bit of trouble, as I had to use a step ladder to slot it into its hinge and not being a light lad the ladder sank a bit in the wet soil!
Set to the glazing after that and it went quite smoothly, once I got the knack of using the pre-beaded mastic, shame it comes five beads across the sheet on the roll as that tends to lead to beads sticking to each other at the slightest provocation.
Broke for tea with the perimiter fully glazed and completed the roof at about nine thirty as the light was fading fast.

A footnote on vandals.
Overheard sticks being broken and went to look, caught two little darlings, each carrying a bundle of canes, "found in them bushes mate" by little oik, other darling known to me legged it a quite a rate. So got some of David's canes back for him, somewhat shorter than before, but principal holds good as able to point out "I'll have that stolen property back thank you.".

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